Tuesday, May 10, 2011

NICU day 21

Jillian is 3 weeks old today and it has been a rough 24 hours. Her CO2 levels had been going slowly up over a few days and her X-rays showed that her lungs were looking a little worse each day so last night the doctor put her back on the jet vent. Her reason was that the jet is easier on her lungs so it would allow them to repair. Jillian did not switch over well she had become use to breathing normally and the jet gives quick breaths of 420 per minute so she was trying to breath over the jet and not allowing the jet to work. This was at 12am so I went into the NICU to be with her (I am staying in an RV in the parking lot of the hospital, they have hook-ups). They had to bag her for a minute or two because she was fighting so hard. They gave her sedation and then more sedation but she was still fighting it so they gave her a stronger sedation. She finally relaxed about 2:30am so I went to get a few hours of sleep. I was back in there this morning and she was doing just ok. They had just done an X-ray and her lungs looked just a little better. They also replaced her breathing tube and put in the next size because she had air leaking around it. Then they sent off some lab work. I was in there the whole day today just watching those stupid numbers and praying and wishing that I could take her place. Then this afternoon her CO2s went crazy again, they were really bad and the doctor decided to place her back on some additional antibiotics just in case while we waited for the labs that she sent in today. She also raised her steroids, she had been on a very low dose before and they were weening them down so she raised them back up. The doctor thinks that she is having such a hard time because she has an infection. The doctor then called and had a pow-wow with Jillian's surgeon and two other neonatologists to get their opinions too. Jillian finally settled down about 7:30pm after raising her vent levels again, so I came back to my trailer to get some sleep. They will call me if they need to (please Lord keep her stable) and I will call and check on her when I get up to pump. I called right before updating and she is still doing well and they actually had to lower her vent back down a number because she didn't need it. I will be calling again at midnight. Please keep praying for my baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I'm sorry Jill is having such a hard time. I'll keep praying for her!
