Friday, May 13, 2011

NICU day 24

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, the blog site I use was updating so I couldn't use it. Jillian is not having a hard of a time on the jet anymore but she has not been able to go down on any of her setting either. I would say her biggest issue right now is her lungs.  She is doing well on her oxygen saturation but she is having a hard time keeping her CO2 levels down.

Now for the good news, on her last echo cardiograph she no longer has pulmonary hypertension (she only had this for 3 days) and her PDA closed (a valve that is in the heart and closes after birth) both which should be helping her lungs. Even though we have seen no improvement so far. Also all of her labs have come back with no sign of infection. This is all an answer to your many prayers.

Her O continues to get smaller a little everyday and her skin is growing up over it quite quickly.  She is eating well and going potty well.  They stopped her feeds for about 48 hours this week because of her lung issues and her need for high sedation.  She is back to feeds as of yesterday and was increased this morning to 3mls every 3 hours today.  I can't wait for her to be able to put some weight on.  Poor baby is still 1.7 pounds and 3 and a half weeks old. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for holding our family up in prayers during this time and continuing to encourage us.  Plus so many of you have gone above and beyond for our family, thank you for showing us the love of our Lord.  I love and cherish each and everyone of you.

Photo bomb below, finally brought in my computer so I am going to make up for lost time.

Jillian wearing an extra small preemie diaper, I wonder what a newborn diaper would look like?
Sweet sleeping beauty

Holding sister's finger 

The thinking pose

**Warning Omphalocele picture below**

This was taken yesterday, can you believe how small it is now and how much skin she grew!

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