Thursday, May 5, 2011

NICU day 15

Jillian turned two weeks old yesterday and her birthday present was no surgery this Friday. Mark and I met with two of her surgeons yesterday and her O is looking good and the sac is not deteriorating so we are going to watch it and as long as it continues to do as well as it is she can hold of on surgery and we can do the paint and wait method which is what we were hoping for. Thank you for the prayers.

This also means that as of yesterday she was allowed to start with feedings. She is being fed through a NG tube (a tube that is fed straight into her tummy through her nose). She has been doing well and has already increased a little on the amount. We are praying for poop, soon. Her O seems to be growing just a little because of the feeds which the surgeons expected, but it's hard to watch.

She had another X-ray on her chest and this time is showed a little more fuzzy areas in her chest. While this can be normal for preemies we are praying it clears up as it makes it harder for her to breath and then harder to wean her off the vents.

Jillian is still stable but it is hard riding the emotional roller coaster that goes with the NICU. That with the rush of hormones this week and I seem to fall apart at the smallest thing. God has given me amazing scripture that I hold on to. Usually when He does my emotions stabilize. Right now that hasn't happened yet. My husband has been even more amazing and is extremely protective of me. My kids at home are really having a hard time right now too. I think it would be good for them if I came home for a night and did normal with them, but it will be really hard to be away from Jillian. The nurses say she is very stable and it would be a good time. I don't know I will have to pray about that.

Jillian had another echo-cardiogram today and she still has this swirl that is normal in preemies as it doesn't mature until later in pregnancy. We need to pray that it corrects itself soon and doesn't cause her any problems. So far so good.

Please continue to pray for Jillian to heal and get stronger, that she can live a full and happy life. Specifically: no infection, her brain bleed to clear up, her lungs to clear up, that she continues to come off the vents, no surgery, and that she can poop and doesn't have any problems with her bowel. Thank you.

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