Friday, April 29, 2011

NICU day 10

Nothing really changed with Jilli-Bean today. She is doing great and getting stronger. I saw her O again today and it's looking great! Mark and I attempted to do paperwork today but that's a big old circle. We can't apply for Mark's "bonding time" until we have a birth cert (that's 4 weeks out) Jillian qualifies for SSI but we can apply for that until her SS card comes (that's 4-6 weeks out). She also qualifies for Medical (which will cover some of what the insurance doesn't. Thank you Lord!) but we can't apply for that until she qualifies for SSI. She will also qualify for WIC (which will cover her very expensive supplements she will have to take) but again not until she is on SSI. Lastly we need to sign her up for Early Intervention and California Children's Services (both of which will work with her to meet all of her milestones) but we have to wait until she is completely signed up on our insurance. Which the insurance is the only thing I think we accomplished today.

Mark went home tonight to be with the kids. They will wake up tomorrow and go to the boys baseball games and then come here to spend the rest of the weekend with me. I can't wait I miss being together!

The NICU has a group called Family Life that works with us and our older children to help them understand and to feel as connected to their sister as possible. It's a great program. Well our helper knew the kids were coming this weekend so she brought gifts in for the kids from Jillian. They will each ger a pillow pet and a matching blanket and a pack of animal crackers. She said it's a slumber party gift. Lol. So sweet, the kids will be so blessed by yet another gift from their sister.

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